Some features to take note of:
- In the top right corner of your page you can find some accommodations including background colors, magnifiers, line readers and Answer Masking. You can find these options by clicking on the profile icon.
- Some questions have multiple pieces of text that can be accessed using different tabs above the text.
- Students can "Flag" answers, which will prompt them at the end of a section to return to and answer the question(s) they flagged.
- Some math tools are provided for students on their screen.
- Students need to be aware that when they see text in "blue" most likely it is a link that can provide them with more options. Also arrows like these below are a sign of more options being available.
We'd recommend that if you haven't already, check out these example questions yourself. They can be found by clicking here, then navigating to the "Sample Items" tab. If you are interested in incorporating some of these PARCC Skills into your classroom contact Jana at Region IX