Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Common Core Accommodations - "Are Ya Ready?"

This last week I participated in presenting a "technology" overview of the PARCC test Accommodations as they relate to technology.

One of the "take-aways" for me wasn't the actual accommodations but the realization of the stamina and focus our students will need to have to be successful in completing the test.  So I have a couple of recommendations for teachers to help their students prepare for the test.

Remember this year "All" 3rd through 11th grade students will be required to take the exam.

  1. Schedule into your weekly lesson plans at least 1 (more is better) activity related to the PARCC test.  The more you can integrate the technology skills into your lesson the better prepared students will be.
    • There are 3 skills that would help students be prepared - and more than using them would be to introduce the terminology and the concept so when they read it on the test they already know what it means.
      1. Drag & Drop - this is a heavily used function on the test.
      2. Keyboarding - students are going to be required to type text into boxes to express their answers
      3. Research - students will be required to find information in a lengthy text to justify their answer. - so the ability to find key text.
  2. Utilize the PARCC website and their sample tests for your grade level
    • Use this link to access either the ELA or the Mathematics sample test for your grade level.
    • You can take the sample exams and get a foundational knowledge of what will be expected which will "inform" your lesson plans.
    • You can have all students take a practice exam, so they will have an idea of what will be expected.  I would spread these practice session out over the next few months so the actual exam will be "old hat" when the actual exam time comes.
  3. Learn the accessibility features that "all" students have, ie:
    • Answer Masking • Audio Amplification • Eliminate Answer Choices • Flag Items for Review • Highlight Tool  --- etc... in Table 1 accessibility for all students
      • Take a class and explore these prior to having the students take a practice exam.
  4. Learn the accessibility accommodations that are required to be identified in advance for students that will require them.
    • this has to be identified in advance and loaded into a students Personal Needs Profile (PNP)
    • Work with your schools test coordinator to ensure your students PNP's are accurate and loaded correctly - trying to do so the day of the test will not work!
  5. Learn the Accommodations required for students on an IEP a 504 plan or that are ELL.
    • These need to be documented in their plans as well as in their PNP prior to testing in order to be allowed.
  6. Here are a couple of valuable links to use as teacher resources
    1. Teacher resources:
    2. Accommodations Manual:


Bryan's Technology App of the week

  • 11-12.W.6    Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products in response to ongoing feedback,including new arguments or information.
  • Use your imagination and create a lesson using google docs for a collaborative writing assignment among small groups using 5 words for each group member in the writing assignment from the Quizzitive APP.
Quizzitive: Great App for students preparing for the SAT. Increase your vocabulary by using 4 different activities.

Web Resource of the week - - Newsela is still in "free beta" so go sign up now and use it with your classes.  Grade level is more for upper grades maybe 8th thru 12th grade.  Incredible source for current events non fictional text about current events in the world.  Articles are current and broken out by content area - students read the article then take an assessment afterwards at a grade level specified by you.
You can supplement the tool by creating a writing assignment from the content. - Use google apps to have students share their writing back to you electronically.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Cloudcroft Schools New Administrative Team is back to School

Cloudcroft Schools New Administrative Team

Tana Daugherty, Robyn Cook, Travis Dempsey

Cloudcroft is back in session for 2014-2015 and off to a great start.  New Lenovo Laptops are being deployed across the district with great expectations for enhanced student learning with technology.  This year at Cloudcroft Schools the technology department will be adding some additional support through their membership with Region IX Education Cooperative.  Bryan Dooley & Robert Miller will be coming to help Joel Ferguson on a weekly basis.  In addition the Region IX staff will be working with Cloudcroft teachers to provide technology / curriculum integration.  Joel Ferguson, Cloudcroft's technology coordinator is already implementing changes to increase communications and streamline support issues.

Bryan's Technology App of the week

  • CCSS Technology Standard Addressed - 7.RL.7    Compare and contrast a written story, drama, or poem to its audio, filmed, staged, or multimedia version, analyzing the effects of techniques unique to each medium (e.g., lighting, sound, color, or camera focus and angles in a film).
  • Use your imagination and create a series of multiple choice questions that are based on compare and contrast. The students will use their response cards to answer and see results immediately.
Plickers - Change up the question & answer process by having fun with this great electronic response app.  Find out more at
  • It's fun, easy to use, and free.
  • It requires No Electronic Devices in students' hands – no laptops, tablets, remotes, cellphones, smartphones, or payphones.
  • No batteries to lose or replace, no expensive equipment to buy, no BYOD, and no one left out.
  1. How it works:
    1. Each student gets a unique barcode – a paper clicker.
    2. Students answer questions by showing their barcodes to the teacher's smartphone.
    3. The teacher gets a real-time bar graph and the data is stored individually by student.
Web Resource of the week - Challenge your students to take their writing to a higher level.

    • heres a sample from rule#9: When you’re stuck, make a list of what WOULDN’T happen next. Lots of times the material to get you unstuck will show up.
Roberts Tech Corner - Tips & Tricks

  • How to calibrate your Smartboard - Press both buttons on your Smartboard tray at the same time and hold them down until the screen pops up that has little press points on it.
  • Grab one of your pens and place it on each of the press points right in the center until you have done all of them. Your board is now calibrated. You rock.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Corona Schools just about ready to roll for the 14.15 School Year & Celebrate having one of the Best!

Corona Schools Business Manager Barbara Sultemeier was honored this year twice for Business Manager of the Year!  Once at NMASBO, and again at the NMCEL.  Congratulations Barbara. 

Many Business Managers across the state have benefited from Barbara's knowledge of school finance and Visions accounting software.  Thanks Barbara for your willingness to always help.

Corona is excited to start the new school year and will enjoy some great new technology.  New iPads in the Elementary, a new large interactive touch screen that can function like a combination of a interactive white board and a infocus and New Lenovo laptops for the Elementary Teachers.  Corona students will also be taking advantage of a great new digital book resource that provides non-ficitional books that are CCSS aligned and also has activities for writing as well.  Check out

Bryan's Technology App of the week
  • CCSS Technology Standard Addressed - X.SL.5 - Use a fun storytelling app that allows students, teachers and anyone with creativity to easily create stories or presentations based on photos, images or slides using a smartphone or tablet..
30 Hands Story Telling App - This is another excellent App for use with students to easily create presentations either as individual projects or working in small groups. This easy to use App also allows students to incorporate video into their presentations which they can create from the mobile device itself or embed from another source.  30 Hands has a free version that works really well, with paid version that gives you more options for publishing and sharing.

New this week is a added web resource:

Friday, August 1, 2014

Capitan Schools Technology Preparation

Capitan Schools Technology Preparation for 2014-2015

It takes teamwork to get a schools technology ready for a new school year.  At Capitan Schools folks of all ages have pitched in this year to help.  

Special thanks to: Frank Dooley, Emilee, Breinna, Aubree & Bronston

Capitan will be enjoying great new technology this year including:
  • 30 new iPads in a rolling cart in the Elementary & Apple TV's which will allow students to display their iPad work to the class wirelessly.
  • 80 new Lenovo laptop computers distributed in rolling carts in the High School, Middle School & Elementary.
  • A new computer lab in the Middle School where students will have access to the latest technology.
  • Projectors with Smartboards are now available in almost all classrooms - See Shane & Robert proudly working in the Middle School computer lab.

Bryan's Technology App of the week
  • CCSS Technology Standard Addressed - X.W.8 - Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, using search terms effectively; assess the credibility and accuracy of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation.
Adobe Voice for iPads - Want a simple to use, Free, App that allows you to create stunning presentations with graphics custom backgrounds and music.  This App would be great for small group work, use with any subject, any grade level, to do a research project using pictures or screenshots and adding narration of each participant.  You can even choose from built in music files to enhance your presentations.
Add an Apple TV to allow your small groups to present out to the entire class.