Saturday, May 7, 2016

Google Cardboard

Google Cardboard is a somewhat recent and highly addictive platform developed by Google.  It is basically a Virtual Reality (VR) platform that uses your smartphone and a simple VR viewer that is made of cardboard.  These cardboard viewers were designed to keep the cost down and to encourage software developers to create new VR applications for the platform.

Image result for what is google cardboard

What can you do with Google Cardboard?

Here’s a few things that you can do with Google Cardboard:

  • Take VR photos that allow you to look around and experience 3D panoramic photos with depth and sound
  • Watch 360° Videos on YouTube
  • Take virtual expeditions and field trips to places around the world
  • Play interactive 3D games

And the list grows bigger each days as new apps are developed and released.

So, if you have a SmartPhone and an extra $15 to spend on the viewer, give it try.  It’s really a lot of fun.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Summer Projects you can give your students a challenge with.

Tour Builder:
This is a great website to have your students use for documenting and creating a project.  What a great summer project to record their summer trip.

Go to this address and start your account, explore the options and get started today!

Do you love the Performing Arts?  Here is your opportunity to experience them in a way never before possible.  Strategically placed 360ยบ cameras stationed on the stage capture the Performing Arts for your enjoyment.
Share this with your students.  You could easily develop a writing assignment by having your students watch one of these videos and share their thoughts.