Try a new online presentation tool.
Tired of the same old Powerpoint & Prezi presentations. Put some new life into your presentations and engage your students with a new format!
PowerPoint animations vs emaze
PowerPoint animations are very basic. A clip art type of image with jerky or slow movements is usually the norm. Today, however, things have changed. Emaze’s internet-based presentation platform is the most advanced tool available to create animated presentations. With emaze, implementing animated backgrounds (like the PowerPoint backgrounds you were used to) into a presentation is simple, and anyone can integrate 3D effects, video, sound, and much more into their presentations now. When compared to PowerPoint’s limited capabilities, there’s really no question which one is more effective. Emaze is the tool for presentation creation.
Here is another great option for teachers to assess their students using any technology platform they would like. Formative gives you the ability to create multiple choice, true false, show your work, and short answer questions. Click here to go to Formative
How it works:
Create an assignment -Assign it to students - Receive Live Results - Provide Feedback.
Here's what a High School Math Teacher has to say.
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